Sunday, August 10, 2008

Basketball at The spring

... one night, kiong bring a basketball to The spring shopping mall.....swt he rent the most expensive place, just to play basketball...really rich ppl. Heard the rental there more than thousand per day wo~~
then...... watching kiong solo performance at there......
me and seng.....also.... join in..... when did our face so thick zo?
suddenly kiong's basketball almost hit the expensive sound system equipment, seng rush to "save" the ball...end up his face "kiss" wall..........@.@
then 2 unknown guy join in. But too bad, the spring said spare electric not enough, so close down at 8.00 like that.


and lets celebrate whole kuching...and sarawak no electric...haha end of world.
thats was fun driving outside, no traffic light, all car drive like satin, stay in the darkness, nice experience.....yeah~~ feel bit scary but syooookk...

but then b4 i went out from my house...i take so long to change cloth, and find my handphone, key......after i went inside my car.. i found that my shirt wear fast switch inside...and nobody notice that..
reach friend house, suddenly someone get into my car...@.@ shock few seconds, then wake up. haha.. i tot is who go inside my car, cos too dark, and my mood still thinking end of world, really shock me that time.
and cos of too dark... hard to see, i step break very rush, dam near the car in front .

话说上拜六傍晚上演大停电。不能上网,又不能看电视,百无聊赖的,我打算就这样睡到天亮去。偏偏这时朋友来电,吵着要去The spring 参加篮球赛。花了好长一段时间,摸黑下随便换了件衣服。又花了一段时间去找车锁,钱包。刚进到车里才发现...我的衣服竟然穿倒反! 既然周围暗成一片,没人会注意到,那就...哈哈。
伸手都不见五指,有点恐怖啊,好黑! 在黑暗中开车还蛮刺激的,交通灯也搞罢工。车子塞成一团,争先恐后,就像玩碰碰车般,还真壮观啊。开到一公里外,依然没灯光,看来是全古晋停电了(后来才知道全砂州)。
一路的驾, 整个猫城街道都变得乌漆抹黑,几乎无处可去。看到很多咖啡店都点着蜡烛,大家围着烛光用餐。当然球赛不成了,兜兜转转来到了美食节去。虽然这里没电,也没表演,不过依然是那么的热闹。不知为何,在暗中享受美食又是另一种气氛。

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