Friday, October 16, 2009


Few days ago, there are 1 person ask me why last time boulevard contest take photo with cosplayer need charge money:
This not related to kuching cosplay club, the event are not organizer by kcc or co-org by kcc.

another person ask, i want to take photo with final fantasy group, but need charge money?
The FF group cosplayer dint not ask for money, if someone ask for money, its not us, and ff group not related to them.

another cosplayer ask, why they charge money? i am not belong to their club, they dint ask my agreement at first...

another cosplayer ask, wtf the counter there wrote need money? why no inform we cosplayers who come to the event first? some ppl bcos saw the poster dont dare come take photo together with us..

summary= this question dont ask me, since me not in charge any club, and its also dont related to kcc.
kcc dont know anything also, nobody inform kcc, so close case :P

if u would like to take photo with ff group or any cosplayers, its free XP come join our outing and take as much as u could.

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