Sunday, September 21, 2008

Treasure Hunt Contest

Today so early wake up, cos joined a Car Treasure hunt contest.
6.55am already reached the start point behind Hock Lee Center.
Our car parked at 2nd place, no.2 is our number..hehe cos we reach early

7.40 like that contest start...booom~~~ everyone choing, all cars have to put double signal
Photobucket got funny thing happy...wakakaka
Baka Nien give question trick and drive car back to start point...those ppl there ask him...hey..why u drive back here? and he drive wrong till The Spring there.........!!!!

Baka Nien sticking d sticker on his car

Actually what the contest about? We have to follow the question paper, guess the shops name during the journey, (more than hundred ques)write down answer on the paper.

driver have to know the road name well so wont lost in space..haha Bonus point is to guess and buy those stuff, pass up together with the question paper.
one of the bonus is to take photo together with "ang mo" (white western ppl), then me and another teammate go riverview find... suddenly "bio" tiok one ang mo husband and wife team..haha i rush to them and ask for help. Lucky...both of the ang mo laugh friendly and said "Sure~~Sure~".. haha

hope he lost..haha so i less one enemy...

Then contest end at 11.30am, but we reach there at 10.45am. Then...hehe have our buffer lunch. Everyone also get a free RM50 cash eyesight optic vouncher, some discout vouncher and other etc.
altot dint win, but it was really fun today..haha first time join such contest.

拿到问答卷后,我们便出发了。第一题猜谜就难倒各参赛者了,该题目是这样的:“转一圈,回到原点”。其实是要猜一店名,答案是360度酒店,因为360度就是转一圈回原处的意思。哈哈,公司某同事竟然以为那是指示,开车倒回起点。起点的工作人员还瞪大眼睛看他,问到:“做么你们回到起点?Meter记得再 Reset 过才出发!”这位“大头吓”同事还驾错路,开到The Spring去,不在路程指示内啦。听他讲起这丑事,我忍不住大笑了起来。
这次的题目还真无理头的。“不孕” 的答案是 Nokia,福建话“没孩子”。 “女人世界” 的答案是“鸭皇”,这样也行?因为女人才会去找鸭?哈哈。“两个孕妇背靠背”的答案是db,这店名还真像大肚婆的。“通货膨胀” 倒让人想到“永升”,就像我们的钱般越来越没有价值,而货物却不断的涨价。
除了问答卷外,还有一个额外加分项目。就是猜一猜食品和日常用品的谜题,然后买下该物品,和问答卷一起交上。还有就是和“老外”合照。我们到了河滨公园“瞄”了好久,好不容易发现一对“红毛”夫妇。冲上去! 那老外知道我们要拍照后,不但很乐意,还很开心地说:“Sure, Sure!”

Main question
# 不孕 = Nokia
= 360度酒店
#“品”= 三口饭
# 香港欢迎你 = 广东茶室
# 完美主义 = 100%
# 综艺大哥 ( 指吴宗宪 ) = Jacky Studio
# 樱花飘飘 = Yuki ( 哈日 ) Saloon
# 两个孕妇背靠背 = db
# 100,000,000,000 = 百亿旅行社
# 一箱一箱的素食 = 振香斋 ( 整箱斋 译音)
# 最长的纬线 = Khatulistiwa
# 福建人叫自己的孩子什么? = Kia motor
# E 杯 = 包店 (忘了什么名)
# 你向左,你向右走,我向前走 = (忘了什么名)有一间店的Lopo
# 牙牙学语 = The art Music school
# 不混水摸鱼 = 饨正鱼丸
# 花果山 = 万果园
# 狮子开大口,粒粒既辛苦 = 新加坡鸡饭
# 女人世界 = 鸭皇
# 通货膨胀 = 永升
# 断背山 = The man shop
# 深山击鼓 = 谷中鸣
# 两人世界 = 两轮电单车公会
# 一眼望过去四个木 = West Wood
# 熊猫 = 国宝
# 黑白分明 = Sanctury Music School,Logo 有黑白钢琴Keyboard
# 超人和热狗 = 万能烧腊
# 第三个白衣天使 = 富士山
# 午夜香吻 = 情人夜总会
# 跳越水立方= 晶晶XX
#不可思意, 笨蛋 = 金沙
# 弟弟叫的孙子 =大伯公
# 回忆往事 = MEMORIES
# 关羽的乳名 = 小罢王
# 043 = Gong Shi Shua
# 救命 = SOS
# 多元种族只缺印族= 三益印刷厂
# 无臭商店 = 泉香

Bonus point
# 八十八 ( 猜一种食品 ) = 米
# 麻房子,红帐子,里面睡个小胖子 =花生
# 头带大黑帽,身体像棒子,光和热不能没有它 =火材
# 像苹果,能做蔬菜和水果,
# 中间空,上头青,下头百 = 葱

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